EFTI and THEM welcome two interns for Spring 2021!

The Eric Friedheim Tourism Institute and the Department of Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management are proud and grateful to welcome two of our very own THEM students as interns this Spring. Both will be working closely with Dr. Rachel Fu, our Director and Department Chair, and Karen Tavares, our Communications Coordinator.

Learn more about them:

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My name is Remi Cros and I am the new intern for EFTI and THEM!  I am so excited to work with the incredible faculty at both EFTI and THEM for my final semester at the University of Florida.  I am an “out-of-stater gator” from New Jersey, and my passions include running, playing soccer, and cheering on the New York Giants.  

My major is Event Management, and my goal after graduation is to work for either a professional sports team or stadium/arena.  My internship with EFTI and THEM will provide me the skills and knowledge needed to further pursue my career.  I have gained experience throughout my time at University of Florida in event management: University Athletic Association, Gator Hospitality, Gator Growl Homecoming Festival, and Jaboy Productions.  As an Ambassador in Guest Services and Premium Guest Services with University Athletic Association and Gator Hospitality,  I gained hands on experience in guest interactions, game day organization, and running a sporting event.  Also, as Assistant Director of the Gator Growl Homecoming and Intern with Jaboy Productions, I have learned how to secure sponsorships for an event and gained experience in various areas in the planning an event.  I am eager to use what I learned from past positions to contribute to the success of EFTI and THEM.


 Hi everyone! My name is Katarina Kalaouze and I am so honored to announce that I am one of the EFTI and THEM interns for this semester. As I finish my last few months as an undergraduate student at the University of Florida, I can’t help but look back on this program and the faculty and how much they have shaped me into the student that I am today. I will forever be grateful for this program and cannot wait to grow further in my research and development to help this program continue to succeed and change the lives of future gators. 

I am originally from College Station, Texas and have had the privilege of attending UF since 2017. I recently was accepted into the combined graduate program at UF and will be receiving my master’s in Business Management in the Spring of 2022. On a more personal level, am a middle child with an older sister and a little brother, with my mom and dad who are my biggest supporters. I would not be where I am today without the continued support and love from my family to always follow my passion and do what I can to make a difference in the world. A few of my hobbies include traveling, cooking, going to watch the sunset with my friends, finding new restaurants in town, and swimming in the ocean. 

After I complete my undergraduate degree, I plan to move to Melbourne, Australia for a year and complete my master’s program online. I was blessed to have the opportunity to study abroad with the Human Health and Performance College and go to Australia in the summer of 2019. This experience forever changed my life, and I am still as in love with that summer as I could ever dream to be. I would not feel as confident or capable of such a drastic next step in my life without the strength and self-reliance that this program has blessed me with, and I can’t wait to see where my future takes me. I am with THEM and Go Gators!